Please make yourself at home! I have a great many interests and enjoy writing about them from time to time. I also write some short fiction and appreciate criticism as well as praise.

The title of this blog comes from my own heritage: I am half Scottish (thistle), a quarter English (rose) with a dash of Irish (shamrock) and German thrown in for good measure. Also, it sounds very much like the name of some obscure pub one often encounters when traveling through the British Isles, so pour youself a pint and enjoy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Lure of the Phantom ~ Part Two

In the dark, I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks.  As I heard Michael Crawford sing the words that broke my heart, “Christine, I love you!” I thought “How miserably sad, and yet… how incredibly wonderful and exquisite!” 
My introduction to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s world-renowned musical was really quite mediocre if one thinks about it.  Yet, the feelings that it evoked would ultimately lead me on the path I would take towards my destiny.  The day after listening to the music I went to the library and promptly checked out every single book with the words “Phantom of the Opera” in the title.  I devoured the original novel as well as Susan Kay’s “Phantom” within a day, and could not stop listening to the music.  I suppose that I was what people think of as obsessed.  I did not see it that way.  Somehow, I felt that the story was very personal, as if there was some secret hidden within that was meant for me only, and I had to discover what that secret was.  That summer, I listened to the entire recording every night, following the words with the libretto in George Perry’s “The Complete Phantom of the Opera”, and pausing whenever staging or written dialogue occurred.  I cried every time! I also decided to begin not only singing, but also ballet and French lessons.  That was a very busy summer for me! By the time the summer reached its end, I had made remarkable progress, and my teachers were beginning to sense that I knew more than I let on.  It was about this time that my father told me the one thing I longed with all my heart and soul to hear.   “The Phantom of the Opera” was coming to Denver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could not have been more ecstatic! I lived for the next 3 months only for that night.  I had no idea that that night would bring more than just the most thrilling experience of my life.

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